Friday, September 4, 2009

Snap Your Fingers, Snap Your Neck

In a blood lusting fit of rage, I turn around to give Snapper Man the stink eye, accompanied by a Clowers Headshake of Disapproval. I do this every time he walks by, yet he still continues to do it incessantly. Does he realize what an obnoxious prick he is, and keeps doing it for his own nefarious and spiteful reasons, or does he think he's perpetually in an off-broadway production of Westside Story? I think the former... how else would one develop such an annoying habit, unless he realizes how distracting it is and gets his rocks off by being a nuisance to others for no apparent reason? Even with my headphones on, I can still tell when he is passing by, and even though it's happened at least a thousand times since I started here a few weeks back, I still haven't acclimatized myself to not turn around when somebody walks up behind me and starts snapping, because in my experience it's always been impersonal asshole-speak for, "Hey, you!" As peevish as that is to me, it's twice as bad when you turn your head in response only to see somebody walk right past.

1 comment:

  1. the "clowers headshake of dissaproval", a devastating move.
